Sunday, March 2, 2008

Pet in our house

We have a pet bat. Last night I worked, my mother heard a noise at 1:30am, she saw a bat flying around in Will's bedroom. Will and Jason were asleep and never heard anything. The bat then flew into the hall, and within a 1/2 hour was quiet. I can't believe it but then my mother was able to fall back asleep. She didn't yell for Jason, because she was worried it would wake Will up and scare him. Jason told me the story when I woke up, and I was upstairs and thought I saw something fuzzy up in the ceiling by the attic entrance. It was a bat. Jason tried to scoop it into a bag, it flew, Kristen and Will came to see it, my mother and I left the area. It then went into a box that had Will's toys in it. Jason took the bat in the box to the barn, and now we have a pet bat, named Buddy in out barn. We hope there are no more bats in our attic. The interesting thing about our house was it was completely stripped and no one every noticed any signs of bats. They could see the roof, and put up all new insulation, and boards everywhere.